SLASH LA PLUIE PAR BALLE dans ce saisissant jeu de tir de style arcade!
▼▼PLEASE READ RECOMMENDED DEVICES SECTION BEFORE PURCHASING▼▼nnThe first console-quality smartphone shooter! Glide with silky smooth controls through a sea of bullets!nSLASH THROUGH THE BULLET RAIN in this gripping vertical arcade-style bullet hell shooting game!nnAKA TO BLUEnn■■ SLASH THROUGH THE BULLET RAIN! DEFEND AND ASSAULT WITH YOUR BOMBS! ■■nCut through the enemys bullet nets with Bombs at the flick of your finger.nDodge your way through 5 gripping shooter stages! nMore bullets means more points!nCancel enemy attacks with your bomb to earn high scores, and recharge it rapidlynto blow away the next group of enemies.nDont dodge, bomb! The key to survival is at the tip of your fingers!nn■■BEGINNER-FRIENDLY FEATURES ■■nPush through the enemy hordes with 3 lives per level, and a maximum of 3 regenerating auto-bombs!nCharge your Auto-Bomb to have it protect you if you get hit by enemy bullets.nStrategize your way through each stage while polishing your high score!nn■■SIMPLE CONTROLS, POWERFUL ATTACKS ■■nWind your way through the clouds of bullets with just one finger! Shoot down the incoming enemy squadrons!nEnjoy arcade and console-level shooter gameplay in the palm of your hand!nAll you have to do to control your ship is swipe on the screen, or tap with two fingers to bombs away!nn■■ IN-GAME VOICES ENHANCE THE ACTION ■■nA powerful cast of Japanese voice actors lends their talents to Aka & Blue, making eachnstage that much more exciting!nn CASTnn AKA SHEENKn Shunsuke Takeuchinn BLUE CERNYn Kanade Koshinonn MURASAKI EDOUn Hiroo Sasakinn KURO GUHROn Wataru Komadannn■■ HEAD-BANGING GUITAR ROCK SOUNDTRACK ■■nRock out with your butt out to the hard-rocking sounds of game musician WASi303.nIkedaminorock, General Manager of the Mikado Arcade, also lends his sharp guitar talents tonthe soundtrack to add a frenetic and powerful shred to the bullet hell action.nn■■ A SPECIAL MESSAGE FROM TANOSHIMASU ■■ nHave fun propelling yourself through these 5 challenging stages! Fight your way through to the ending!nnOh and have a nice flight!nn**************************************************************************nn[IMPORTANT] PLEASE READ BEFORE PURCHASINGnn■■SUPPORTED DEVICES■■ nDevices Tested: Xperia Z5, Xperia XZ,n Galaxy S6 edge, Galaxy S8+n ZenFone3(ZE520KL),n ZenPad3 8.0(Z581KL),n isai Beat LGV34,n Pixel3nnDevices With Consistent Performance: Xperia X Performance,n Xperia XZs, Galaxy S7 edge,n Galaxy S8, AQUOS R(SHV39)nnDevices besides those listed as "Devices Tested" or "Devices with Consistent Performance" are not supported.nn■■ CAUTION ■■ n*The Android version of this application allows you to choose between Low and High Quality Settings. Note that the ""Low"" setting is set as default to prevent the chipset from over-heating.nnWe do not guarantee performance on all devices when the application is set to the "High" setting.nnPlease note that the screenshots included on this page were taken with the "High" Quality Setting.nn*When playing on Xperia devices, please play with Stamina Mode and Location Services turned OFF (these settings are also recommended for non-Xperia devices)nnWe also do not guarantee application performance in the following cases:nn ・Playing while charging the batteryn ・Long, continuous play sessionsn ・Playing when the battery is less than 30%nnn Tanoshimasu recommends the specs below:nn *Devices with Android 6.0 and up, Quadcore CPUs and more than 3GB of RAMn *However, these devices are not supportednn**************************************************************************n nPowered by "CRI ADX2 (TM) LE".nCRIWARE is a trademark of CRI Middleware Co., Ltd.